Happy Monday!
I don't know about you, but I am ready for Thanksgiving! I have a 2 day work week and then I am off to spend some time with my family and friends!
Today I'd like to share another Tip of the Week from My Fit Foods. I thought this one had some really great advice about NOT overdoing it on the turkey and pie! Today's Tip was written by Cait Laub, MFF Nutritional Coach.
The third week of November seems to be an extended version of Groundhog’s Day; every year, we promise ourselves to not overdo it and actually practice self-control. For most, however, discipline is set aside for a second helping of mashed potatoes that leaves us more stuffed than the 16-pound bird on the table.
The average American eats 3,000-4,500 calories on Thanksgiving. While Thanksgiving is no time to deprive yourself, certain steps can be taken to avoid the Turkey Day food coma. Channel your inner athlete and approach dinner like a sporting event.
I don't know about you, but I am ready for Thanksgiving! I have a 2 day work week and then I am off to spend some time with my family and friends!
Today I'd like to share another Tip of the Week from My Fit Foods. I thought this one had some really great advice about NOT overdoing it on the turkey and pie! Today's Tip was written by Cait Laub, MFF Nutritional Coach.
My Fit Foods
Tip of the Week

Surviving The Holiday Hangover
The third week of November seems to be an extended version of Groundhog’s Day; every year, we promise ourselves to not overdo it and actually practice self-control. For most, however, discipline is set aside for a second helping of mashed potatoes that leaves us more stuffed than the 16-pound bird on the table.The average American eats 3,000-4,500 calories on Thanksgiving. While Thanksgiving is no time to deprive yourself, certain steps can be taken to avoid the Turkey Day food coma. Channel your inner athlete and approach dinner like a sporting event.
The Pre-Game (2-3 days before)
Commit to eating 5-6 well-balanced meals every 2-3 hours. Make sure you’re exercising 45-60 minutes per day and drinking at least 80 oz of water. The My Fit Foods 3 Day Challenge is the perfect way to prepare for the holiday!
The Warm-Up (The day of)
Exercise first thing in the morning. Before you meet up with your family and friends, wash down 2 My Fit Foods fiber pills with plenty of water. When at the party, socialize away from the table covered in hors d’oeuvres so that you aren’t as tempted to snack.
Game Time (Dinner)
Start by swapping plates: put your salad and veggies on the dinner plate and the rest of the dinner items on your salad plate. According to numerous studies, you are more likely to overeat when you choose larger plates. Scientists blame the Delboeuf illusion, which is responsible for making the proper serving of turkey (the size of a deck of cards) look filling when put on an 8” dish or meager on a 12” dish. When actually eating, take your time and give your stomach time to digest.
The Cool Down (Immediately After)
Whatever you do, DON'T FALL ASLEEP! To help your blood glucose and insulin levels get to normal, stay on your feet. Help out with dishes or toss a football around the front yard with your family. Staying active will help with digestion and help avoid a major stomachache.
After the holiday, don’t get discouraged with yourself. Accept that you had a great meal and move forward. Long-term success is a journey littered with holidays and celebrations. Jump right back into the swing of your normal routine, and remember that My Fit Foods is always here to give you a little push when you need one.
Thanks, and have a great holiday!
Thanks, and have a great holiday!
Cait Laub
Nutritional Coach - Uptown Park
My Fit Foods
Nutritional Coach - Uptown Park
My Fit Foods
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