Ghosts of recipes past....

I don't really have anything new to share tonight, honestly, I just ate chips and hummus/cranberry salsa for dinner... So I thought that I would re-share some oldies but goodies. Enjoy!

Remember my cheese-stuffed meatballs. Oh, so delish and so simple!

How about my mom's birthday surprise that I had been planning for Rootbeer Float Cupcakes

Or, one of my favorites, the recipe that I took only 1 picture of because I was sure that I was screwing it all up and they wouldn't turn out tasty at all, whatsoever- Coconut Donuts

And who could forget this crowd pleaser? Apple Cinnamon Muffin Cake

And now for the ghosts of recipes yet to come.... or something...

oh, yes, that is cranberry salsa on my sandwich. best. idea. ever.

Chilly outside, chili in the crockpot

this tastes even better when it's eaten from this cup


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